Yesha Patel
Yesha Patel is a Senior Data Scientist at Mangul Lab. She graduated from Loma Linda University with a dual Masters in Biostatistics & Epidemiology and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from University of California, Irvine. Thereafter, she joined the Keck School of Medicine as a Statistician, and has focused on development and application of statistical methods for large ‘omics studies in relation to cancer risk prediction. She has worked cross collaboratively with investigators across the country on multiple PO1 grants building strong relationships, implementing, and developing techniques in relation to bioinformatics, ‘omics and big data. During that time, she has mentored and supervised junior researchers and analysts in sound statistical methods, programming, and high-performance computing. Yesha will continue her pursuit in advancing scientific research at Mangul lab with continued work in genomics.