CET teaching fellow

CET teaching fellow

I am delighted to share some exciting news with all of you: I have been nominated by the esteemed Dean, Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos, for the USC Center of Excellence for Teaching (CET) Mentored Teaching Fellowship. This nomination is not just an honor but also a remarkable opportunity for professional growth and development in the realm of academia.

Following the nomination, I am thrilled to announce that I have been appointed as a CET Mentored Teaching Fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year. As part of this fellowship, I will have the privilege of serving as the instructor of record for the graduate-level course, CXPT 501 Biomedical Data Science, at the USC Mann School of Pharmacy during the Fall semester of 2024. It is a responsibility that I embrace with enthusiasm and dedication, as it provides me with a platform to impart knowledge, inspire students, and contribute to the field of clinical data science.

In preparation for this significant role, I underwent rigorous training and mentorship through CET’s Future Faculty Teaching Institute. This preparatory program, scheduled from the Fall semester of 2023, equipped me with the necessary tools, strategies, and insights to excel as an educator. The 12 weeks long training provided me with a solid foundation in pedagogy. The topics covered from student engagement and inclusion and the techniques for increasing inclusion and engagement, assignment backward design based on study objectives, assignment descriptions, active learning, feedback and grading, designing course policies, facilitating discussions, teaching controversial topics, handling difficult conversations with students, and also evaluation and reflection on teaching. It provided me with a structured teaching framework. I am eager to engage in this immersive learning experience and leverage it to enhance my teaching skills and pedagogical approach.

Furthermore, I am committed to fulfilling all the requirements of the Mentored Teaching Fellows program with diligence and dedication. I am awarded a certificate of completion, acknowledging my achievement and commitment to excellence in teaching. Additionally, I am listed as a Mentored Teaching Fellow on CET’s official website, alongside other esteemed educators and scholars.

This journey as a CET Mentored Teaching Fellow represents a significant milestone in my academic and professional trajectory. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the educational mission of USC and make a positive impact on the lives of students. I look forward to embracing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and I am excited to embark on this enriching journey of growth, learning, and mentorship.

Thank you to Dean Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos, Dr. Serghei Mangul, and the USC Center of Excellence for Teaching for entrusting me with this invaluable opportunity. With determination, passion, and dedication, I am confident that I will uphold the highest standards of teaching excellence and contribute meaningfully to the academic community.