Congratulations to Seungmo on acceptance into UCLA CS Graduate Program!

Congratulations to Seungmo on acceptance into UCLA CS Graduate Program!

Seungmo Lee, previously an undergraduate researcher in Mangul Lab and ZarLab, has been accepted into UCLA’s Computer Science Ph.D. program with a Computational Biology track. Starting next fall, Seungmo will work with Professor Eleazar Eskin and Professor Serghei Mangul as co-advisors.

Seungmo has worked on “VISTA: An integrated structural variation caller”, variant calling on blended genome exome, SwabAlign pipeline to enhance visualization, and LLM benchmarking dataset for bioinformatics.

Seungmo’s hard work, dedication, and passion for the field have led him to this remarkable achievement. This accomplishment not only reflects his exceptional academic and research capabilities but also marks the beginning of a new journey.

Starting his Ph.D. career, Seungmo aims to work on advancing metagenomic tools, and machine learning models in healthcare settings.

Once again, congratulations on your acceptance Seungmo, and your journey at UCLA promises to be a transformative experience, full of discoveries and opportunities that will shape your career and the field of computer science for years to come.