A transformative pursuit

A transformative pursuit

Over the past two years, I have embarked on an extraordinary journey as I pursued my Master's degree at the University of Southern California. This transformative experience has not only shaped my academic and personal growth but has also led me to discover my true passion in the field of bioinformatics.

Initially, as a fresh-faced Master's student, I made the decision to join the wet lab, eager to immerse myself in the world of research. It was a place buzzing with experimental activities, and I had the opportunity to work alongside brilliant minds dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of clinical experiments. Under the guidance of my previous mentor, I gained valuable hands-on experience, mastering various laboratory techniques, and actively contributing to ongoing projects. However, as months passed, I couldn't help but notice a growing fascination with the computational aspects of biology. A class conducted by Dr. Mangul exposed me to the captivating world of bioinformatics, prompting me to reconsider my interests. During the summer break, I took the time to reflect on my aspirations, and it became clear to me that bioinformatics held an irresistible allure that I couldn't ignore.

At the beginning of my second year, I made a bold move and joined Dr. Mangul's lab, which marked the start of my journey into the world of bioinformatics. The transition was not without challenges, and I had only 11 months to familiarize myself with this new research branch, but my determination to immerse myself in this field fueled my progress. Dr. Mangul's unwavering support and the stimulating environment of coding and complex datasets made me feel at home in this untapped realm of knowledge.

One of the major highlights of the year was my research project on "A rigorous benchmarking of methods for SARS-CoV-2 lineage abundance estimation in wastewater." The opportunity to explore viral diseases using bioinformatics tools was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. The process of formulating research questions, designing experiments, and analyzing vast datasets demanded dedication and perseverance, but the excitement of my results overshadowed any hurdles I encountered.

As graduation approached, I began applying for jobs with a leap of faith. The job application process presented its challenges, including rejections and unanswered emails, which sometimes tested my resolve. However, I learned to view each rejection as an opportunity for improvement, fine-tuning my application approach as I progressed. Through persistence and a positive attitude, I secured three interview invitations. Each interview became a valuable learning experience, shaping my approach and preparation for subsequent opportunities. The panel interview with Duke University made me particularly nervous, but I faced it with determination.

The culmination of my efforts materialized when I received the acceptance letter from Duke University, a moment that felt like a dream come true. Joining Duke University as a

Bioinformatician is an honor that validates my journey and encourages me to continue pursuing my passion for scientific exploration.

Reflecting on my journey, I offer some valuable insights to aspiring scientists and researchers:

Persistence Pays Off

The road to success may present challenges, but unwavering persistence and dedication can lead to incredible opportunities.

Learn from Setbacks

Embrace rejections as learning experiences and use them to improve your skills and applications.

Follow Your Passion

Allow your heart to guide your choices and explore different avenues within your field of interest.

Believe in Yourself

Confidence in your abilities shines through during interviews and interactions with potential employers.

To all aspiring scientists and researchers, I encourage you to embrace the challenges, follow your passions, and remain steadfast in pursuit of your dreams. As I embark on this new chapter at Duke University, I extend my best wishes to all newcomers, hoping they find continued success and exciting discoveries in their academic and professional pursuits.

Stay curious, stay driven, and let the journey unfold!