Navigating the job hunt: A piece of advice from my own experience

Hello everyone! As graduation season sweeps in, it brings with it a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a touch of apprehension. The thrill of completing years of hard work and the prospect of new beginnings are in the air. Yet, amid the celebrations, there’s no denying that the job hunt looms large as a significant part of this transformative chapter. Having personally experienced the challenges and uncertainties that come with the job hunt, I’ve navigated the competitive job market and encountered its twists and turns. I’ve faced the uncertainty of countless applications, the nerve-wracking interviews, and the occasional setbacks. But through perseverance, learning from my experiences, and seeking guidance from mentors, I was able to secure two full-time offers- a Bioinformatics analyst position at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and a Bioinformatics Technician position at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Using my personal encounters, I aim to provide you with practical advice and valuable tips for acing your interviews.

About me:

I recently graduated from USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy in Spring 2023 with a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Like many, I was also following the master’s thesis track and I was lucky to be guided by Dr. Serghei Mangul who helped me in the successful completion and submission of my thesis. Prior to my master’s degree, I obtained my bachelor’s degree from the Manipal Institute of Technology in Biotechnology Engineering with a minor in Pharmaceutical Engineering. It was during my undergraduate years that my fascination with the intersection of programming languages and biology began to take shape. I started learning Python on a platform called Coursera which helped me understand the basics of it. In my last semester, I joined GlaxoSmithKline as a clinical programming intern where I was given the task of learning and using R to create a web application for tumor size evaluation.

When to start looking:

Timing is crucial when it comes to beginning your job search, and it’s important to keep your graduation date in mind, particularly if you’re following the thesis track. To ensure a smooth transition, it’s essential to plan your thesis submission timeline in advance, as this plays a significant role in applying for the OPT-I20 and employment authorization document, especially for international students. The conferral of your degree hinges upon the approval of your thesis submission by the committee members and the Graduate Thesis Center. While it’s never too late to start your search, it’s recommended to align your job hunt with the timing of your graduation. For those graduating in the Spring semester, the optimal time to begin looking is during the preceding Fall semester. Similarly, for those graduating in the Summer, initiating your search in the preceding Spring semester yields the best results. Personally, I commenced my own search around October 2022, as I had planned to graduate in Spring 2023. By considering your graduation date and aligning your search accordingly, you can maximize your chances of securing the ideal job opportunity.

The first crucial step in your job search journey is to carefully choose the companies or institutes that align with your career aspirations. Throughout my own job hunt, I relied on reputable platforms such as LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, Indeed Jobs, and Glassdoor. To kickstart your search, create an updated and comprehensive profile on these websites, and ensure your resume is uploaded for easy access by potential employers. Once your profile is established, utilize the filtering options provided to customize your job search according to your desired role, region, and experience level. In my experience, LinkedIn stood out as an excellent platform due to its diverse range of filters. By applying multiple filters, you can refine your search and receive relevant notifications whenever a job opening is posted by your preferred companies. It is also highly recommended to follow the companies you’re interested in, as this allows you to stay informed about any new openings they may have. To maintain organization during the application process, it is essential to keep track of all the applications you submit. Record important details such as the company name, position name, URL of the job posting website (which proves helpful when preparing for interviews to review specific requirements), and the date of submission. Taking the time to review the position requirements and assessing how well you fit within them is vital.

Preparing your resume:

Crafting an impactful resume can be a game changer in your job hunt. The key to making your resume stand out is keeping it concise and focused. Aim to keep it within 2 pages and maintain sufficient spacing between paragraphs for optimal readability. To ensure a comprehensive representation of your qualifications, consider including the following sections: Education, Work Experience, Projects, Publications and Poster Presentations, Technical Skills, and Achievements. If you lack full-time work experience, don’t worry. You can showcase your internships and research experience in the Work Experience section to demonstrate your practical skills and knowledge. Online platforms offer various resume templates that can serve as helpful starting points. Personally, I found the Overleaf Latex Editor to be an invaluable tool. It not only provides user-friendly templates but also offers the flexibility of saving previous drafts. Moreover, it offers advanced features such as collaboration, reference managers, and GitHub integration. Remember, accuracy and authenticity are paramount when it comes to your resume. Every piece of information you include should be factually correct. It’s crucial to bear in mind that companies and institutes often conduct background checks during the pre-employment process, and the information provided in your resume should align with the verified facts.

Getting interview ready:

Interviews can be initially intimidating, but as you dive into the process, you’ll gradually become more at ease. When I had my first few interviews, I felt nervous too. However, I soon realized that interviews are simply conversations about myself and my research background with people who are genuinely interested in getting to know me. Building confidence in discussing your experiences and research projects is crucial. One effective method is to practice mock interviews with friends, as it helps in gaining the necessary confidence for the actual interview. Take notes on each section of your resume and make sure to elaborate on your experiences. Familiarizing yourself with your resume is key to leaving a strong impression on the interviewer. Interview questions often revolve around your resume, and they will want to gauge your depth of knowledge. Here are a few things I focused on while preparing for my interviews:

1. Brushing up on coding basics and solving sample questions available online.

2. Taking detailed notes on the work experiences and projects mentioned on my resume.

3. Developing proficiency in bioinformatics tools specified in the job descriptions, such as BWA-MEM, STAR aligner, Samtools, FastQC, Bcftools, Vcftools, GATK, PLINK, and more.

4. Studying sequencing technologies like Whole Genome Sequencing, Whole Exome Sequencing, and RNA Sequencing (RNA-seq), which is currently a significant focus for many companies and research institutes.

5. Researching and gathering information about the company and their ongoing research work. Demonstrating knowledge and interest in the company during the interview showcases your enthusiasm for becoming a part of their team.

Another crucial aspect is to be prepared to ask questions as you approach the conclusion of your interview. It’s important to have thoughtful questions ready for the interviewer, such as inquiries about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role, the work culture within the organization, ongoing research projects, and more. By asking insightful questions, you showcase your curiosity and demonstrate that you’ve done your homework in preparation for the interview. Additionally, it’s beneficial to prepare notes after the interview regarding the questions you were asked. This allows you to gain insights into the types of questions typically posed by interviewers and enables you to better prepare for future interviews. Being proactive in asking questions and making observations during the interview process will further highlight your enthusiasm and engagement as a candidate.


One of the most essential aspects of the job hunt is consistently filling out applications, as it typically takes around 2-3 weeks to receive a response regarding the status of your application. It’s also important to keep in mind that applying for job openings posted within the past week increases the likelihood of your application being considered by the hiring manager. Additionally, I want to emphasize that you should not be disheartened by rejections, as they are an inevitable part of the process. Instead, use rejections as motivation to improve your preparation for the next interview, drawing from the valuable experience gained. I sincerely hope that these insights will assist you in preparing for your interviews, and I extend my best wishes to you for success in your job search!