Mangul Lab to present at the Rocky Bioinformatics Conference 2022


Mangul Lab to present at the Rocky Bioinformatics Conference 2022

Two members of the Mangul lab were invited to give talks at the Rocky Bioinformatics Conference 2022. Serghei Mangul, present a research project titled “Rigorous benchmarking of T cell receptor repertoire profiling methods for cancer RNA sequencing” and Mohammad Vahed, a postdoctoral researcher in our lab, presented a research project titled “A comprehensive analysis of the reusability of public omics data across 4.4 million research publications”. Also, two members of the lab were invited to present posters. Varuni Sarwal a Ph.D student in our lab, present a poster titled “SVPred: An integrated framework for structural variant discovery”, Tejasvene Ramesh a master student in our lab, present a poster titled “A trans ancestry genomics based approach to study the interplay between the immune system, infectious type, and HLA type, ancestry and sepsis outcome”.

Rocky Bioinformatics Conference is an international conference celebrating its 20th anniversary. It is a platform for computational biologists from different areas to present their work and establish potential future collaborations. It occurred on December 8-10, 2022, in Aspen/Snowmass, Colorado.