Mangul Lab pens commentary piece on conference travel for junior scientists in the wake of climate change

Commentary Preprints

Mangul Lab pens commentary piece on conference travel for junior scientists in the wake of climate change

Mangul Lab at USC shared a new preprint of 2020 which presents a conversational editorial on the difficult choices that junior scholars face when choosing to travel via airplane to scientific conferences.

With the ever-increasing carbon footprint associated with conferences, scientists can learn to refine their conference experiences when they do need to travel. Ruth Johnson (PhD student in Computer Science at UCLA), together with Serghei, offers insight on how to optimize the conference experience through attending speaker sessions, giving presentations, and networking.

Based off of our own experiences, we offer advice about how to maximize time and travel resources that are both accessible and advantageous for junior scientists—including attending sessions, giving presentations, and utilizing coffee breaks and social events.

Read our preprint hosted on arXiv!


Ruth Johnson, Serghei Mangul: Refining the conference experience for junior scientists in the wake of climate change. In: arXiv, 2020.