Mangul Lab publishes first paper, a novel tool for managing bioinformatics analyses

ICML serghei-mangul

a novel tool for managing bioinformatics analyses

We are proud to announce that our lab has published our first peer-reviewed paper since we established at USC School of Pharmacy in Fall 2019! Jaque, our postdoctoral scholar, is the first author on this paper! Congratulations!

Our paper, which presents a novel tool for managing bioinformatics analyses on smartphones, was published in the January 2020 issue of GigaScience.

  1. Read our paper published by GigaScience.
  2. Read our blog post announcing the preprint.
  3. Read a news release from TechXplore.


Jaqueline J Brito, Thiago Mosqueiro, Jeremy Rotman, Victor Xue, Douglas J Chapski, Juan De la Hoz, Paulo Matias, Lana S Martin, Alex Zelikovsky, Matteo Pellegrini, Serghei Mangul: Telescope: an interactive tool for managing large scale analysis from mobile devices. In: GigaScience, 9 (1), pp. giz163, 2020.